Our steps to a recipe book

Everyone has a passion but only a few of us live that passion. One person who has moved heaven and earth to live a passion traditionally frowned upon in his community is Coennie Muundjua. He loves cooking, a traditional preserve of women in the gender roles-sensitive Ovaherero communities. His passion has helped him carve some approval for cooking, with men and women alike in the erstwhile patriarchal society, acquiescing to his skill and digging into his food and the flavours with their biases parked out of sight. After several years of cooking competitions, love scenes, weddings, funerals and many other...
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Oviwondo the final chapter

Mami Zamuee, Uaaruka Rosa Handura and  Black Diamond Sisii Katjivive-Katjiuanjo Tutuua Kahireke nomukwe we pOviwondo Sir Plato Tjaimba and Lesley Kumbee Zaire Ovandu voya Ndambi ya Hengua, ovandu vorutjindo mba hupa kondjembo ya Katjivi tjOuanga. Pu va worongana mave raura omungunda Gothardt Tjeripo Katjangua, Mukuu Mbura, Kavee Kuazire, Doppy Kavejata Titirii, Uatavi, Mrs Tjiho na Mrs Keja Lothe Muhinapeze na Lise Mujazu mave munika nawa pomaworonganeno woviwondo mOtjomuise Unotjari Muheua, Lothe Muhinapeze, Wendy Kapoaambo, Clency Zaire, Shirley Pandee Karuhumba, Bianca Karupa, Gisela Katjivena, Mariam Kandanga, Lise Mujazu and Nancy Kaputjaza Choice Tjerivanga Kuveri Katuuo, Kuraumune Kazombiaze, Dave Tjozongoro na Vita...
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The Oviwondo weekend

February 2022 As the world emerged from what appears to be the end of a COVID epidemic and the many episodes of trauma people were forced to endure, the desire to come together had been the itch for many Namibians. All that was left was the suitable occasion to bring the people together and immerse them in a joyous atmosphere to give them hope and live in their memories for a long time to come. And they did come in numbers and shared the moment that many would treasure for years to come. The Oviwondo weekend. Karen Tjiposa and Coloured...
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Imba na Mbena

Gloria Kangeri right with her friend at Otjimukandi Festival 2021Rhyn The big dudes hanging out at Otjimukandi Festival 2021Koo Tjoutji na Mujarukaune Semba hanging outKambeipi Rukambo, Uahungira Kahireke notjivereko tja Uahungira, Oteri Kangootui mave rinana poresevate Omundu na Ina: Upurua Kandoni-Karuuombe notjiveri Kauromuni Kandoni Omundu na ina: Jessica Uheua-Kamboo pu na ina Otjiveri Mamaa Inaangondi Uheua-TjikuzuMbapeua and Vakuaa in royal white wedding dresses: the Njembo pairOmundu nongundwe, imba Kapiti Nguatjiti wa Kurama pu nongundwe, Mitiri Kaendombunda Kope Kazekondjo
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